We as part of every web site design and re-design project install some really cool clever features that allow you and us to see how your website users behave.

The benefit of this is that we can then change and adjust the website to make it more compelling and create a website which specifically designed to influence your website users.

Thats right, influence your website visitors. We can use the behavior information and layout the site where chosen sections and pages can be pushed to be chosen more often then other pages eg Dental Implants over Scale and Polish page etc

Attached are a few screen shots of our website behavior tracks features which we include.

The 1st image is using a feature called Heat Maps. This shows where the clicks are landing and what seems to be getting the interest of our customers or maybe even distarcting them fromwhat we want them to see.

heat maps


On this our next home screen shot we are using a feature called Content Analysist. This allows us to gather information on the pages average read and exactly where we lose readers. We can lose readers for many reasons eg content not engaging enough, content is too long, other page distarctions etc

reading habits


If you would like us to design your dental or optical website and integrate intelligent analysis features to improve your website ‘as standard’ then please contact us at the top of the page by entering your details.